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The Museum will close on Christmas Eve at 2:00 p.m. The Museum will be closed Christmas Day. 

Hall of Great Westerners
Inducted in 1958
Frank Seymour Boice

Frank Seymour Boice


At Large, Arizona

Frank Boice was a trained engineer who perfected a submarine detector in World War I, became a rancher in Arizona after the war’s end and became one of the state’s most prominent cattlemen.

Boice was the president of the Arizona and American National Cattlemen’s Association, fighting against government controls of the livestock industry.

His grandfather, Charles Gudgel, brought the bull Anxiety 4th from England to the United States to start one of the great Hereford lines of all time.

Boice graduated from Occidental College and then went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before joining Western Electric’s laboratories, where he helped with a submarine detection device.

He was on the tax committee of the American National Cattlemen’s Association and is largely responsible for securing revisions in tax laws that set up the Constant Unit Value of inventories and recognition of capital gains in the sale of breeding stock.

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