Rolling Uphill from Texas, Buck Ramsey, artist; Lanny Fiel, Joe Stephenson and Buck Ramsey, producers.
Western Heritage Awards
Music, Traditional Western Album
Awarded in 1993
Rolling Uphill from Texas
Artist: Buck Ramsey
Producer: Lanny Fiel
Producer: Joe Stephenson
Producer: Buck Ramsey
More to Explore
Art Book, Literary
Awarded in 1993
The Art of Howard Terpning
Juvenile Book, Literary
Awarded in 1993
An Indian Winter
Literary, Magazine Article
Awarded in 1993
Western Art Museums: A Question of Style or Content
Literary, News Featurette
Awarded in 1993
Matagorda Cattle Drive
Literary, Short Stories
Awarded in 1993
Fool Girl
Literary, Nonfiction Book
Awarded in 1993
The Spanish Frontier in North America
Literary, Western Novel
Awarded in 1993
All the Pretty Horses
Music, Original Western Composition
Awarded in 1993
The First Cowboy Song
Literary, Poetry Book
Awarded in 1993
All that Matters
Factual Narrative, Film/Television
Awarded in 1993
Legends of the West with Jack Palance
Fictional Television Drama, Film/Television
Awarded in 1993
Film/Television, Television Feature Film
Awarded in 1993
O, Pioneers!
Film/Television, Theatrical Motion Picture
Awarded in 1993
Film/Television, Western Documentary
Awarded in 1993
The Donner Party
Other Awards, Special Awards
Awarded in 1993