2019 Larry Mahan An 8-time World Champion Cowboy with 6 All Around World Championships and 2 World Champion Bull Riding Gold Buckles, Larry remains the All Time leading NFR qualifier in the rough stock events. He is a member of various Halls of Fame, including: PRCA, Texas Cowboy, Oklahoma City National Rodeo, Pendleton, Cheyenne, Ellensburg and St. Paul. The PBR Ring of Honor, PRCA Legend of Pro Rodeo and the Ben Johnson Memorial medallion are among the awards lining the office walls. As a lifelong student of the magnificent horse, Larry is committed to sharing his passion and knowledge. Horses are an important aspect of the Mahan ranches. From the hill country of Kerrville, Texas to the North Texas headquarters and Central Oklahoma to the Colorado division nestled at the base of Pike’s Peak, most days will find Larry astride-starting colts, checking broodmares, gathering cattle or working with the seasoned ropers and cutters.