Join us Monday evenings as we spark imaginations by hosting virtual bedtime stories with “Bedtime Buckaroos,” presented by Paycom.
Story time plays a vital role in introducing children to the magic of books. Each week we’ll feature a new engaging Western story read by local authors, community leaders, traditional storytellers and Museum staff.
“Eight-year-old Annie McRae is irresistible―with her toothless grin, turquoise-blue cowboy boots, and her upbeat twist on life, she spends most days surrounded by cheers of “Hip, hip, hooray for Annie McRae!” from Mom, Dad, Mr. Garcia, and Grandma C.
But what happens when the grownups are too busy to cheer? Don’t you worry―Annie pulls herself up by the bootstraps and realizes that the best “hip, hip, hoorays” come from herself and caring for others.”