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The Museum will be closed to the public on Friday, December 20 for a private event.

Prix de West Highlights: Love!

Hey Tim,

Your last blog “Prix de West Highlights: Sounds!” was a big hit.  This is the last week of Prix de West, do you have an idea of what we can highlight this week? Something that appeals to everyone. Something that is universal. Something…I’ll leave it up to you.

And just one more note. Don’t copy and paste this into the blog. 

-Seth “from Marketing”

I’ve got a great idea!
Thanks, Tim

This may sound a bit corny, but I love this Museum. I love sharing it with you all. Prix de West is our biggest fundraising event. So many great pieces of Western art that you can take home. I know it isn’t in everyone’s budget to buy art, that’s why they made Museums! Come visit! If you can’t come to visit in person, maybe consider a small donation. Anyway, in this week’s blog I wanted to highlight love. That’s what I feel and it seems like this is what needs sharing these days.

This is “A Quiet Moment” by Joel R. Johnson. Any parent knows that this moment can be gone a second. Lol!

Here’s Joseph Bohler’s “Trust.” Is there a more perfect moment?

This is Blair Buswell’s “A Mother’s Love.” I was wrong. This is a more perfect moment.

So much emotion captured in  Glenn Dean’s “Side by Side.”

R.S. Riddick’s “Two Hearts, First Touch.”  This looks like the trailer for something my beautiful wife, Tina, would watch.

This is Sandy Scott’s “Orchard Porker.” This is true love.

Thanks, Tim

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